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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Can you Host an International High School Exchange Student? YES!!! you CAN!!!!

International High School students from countries all around the world are looking for safe and welcoming homes to come and stay in for 5 or 10 months while they become part of the family, are emersed in the American culture and English language and attend American high school and learn about out government, civics, personal interactions, academics and extra curricular activites. Many of these students are top performers and this experience is necessary to increase their chances of getting into the "University" {college} in their country. Many countries have such a competitive entrance to be able to attend any quality higher education that the students and their families work to achieve any advantage they can to improve their chances of being selected by a good school so that they are able to obtain a good job. What a refreshing diligence and commitment to hardwork and academic and intelligence achievement, from children.

What is required to be a host?
1. Home (house, apartment, trailer with 2 or more people) that is safe and appropriate for a student. They do not require their own room usually, as long as they will be sharing a room with a sibling 8 or old ( to protect their belongs, sleep and study time). Most students enjoy sharing a room to learn and bond with members better and to have total emersion into the customs and language.

2. Access to transportation. They can use public transportation or you can drive them places. They do have to get to and from school and occasional trips to stores or sites to be able to experience the area. CIEE coordinators are available to help and they schedule "group" events and trips to help provide the students activities.

3. Food. Host families are asked to provide some meals for the student so they experience our cuisine, however they do have spending money and can purchase their lunches and dinners out but making sure they have access to appropriate food is necessary.

4. Allowing them to participate with family activities and trips, they enjoy this and it helps bond with them and helps them experience more language and personal interaction responses in natural settings.

5. Filling out the application and passing the background check. see the website for more information. {If something comes back from distant passed it may not prevent your being able to host, it will be discussed and determined on a per case basis}

What do you get for all this???

1. A detailed profile report with picture of your student, address, email, and phone number so you can make contact and start building a repoure with them. {Not all organizations give this, it is just one of the differences with CIEE}. Information about the parents, the health of the student, any allergies, concerns or dislikes (pets, small children, smoking), academic scores, transcript of their schooling, a letter from the student to their host, a note from the parents, a profile of the country the student is from, information about their town or city and a supportive and resourceful coordinator that is available throughout the process and during the exchange period. A network of mangement within the CIEE organization, including a coordinator in the home country.

2. The experience of seeing your home and property in a different way. Looking at the routine things you do as something much more important or seeing "strange things you do and don't know why" you do them until you try to explain them.

2. Someone who pitches in without demanding allowance or reward. A new sense of your prescence in your home and maybe some much lacking appreciation of the little things that just seem like expected or the normal way moms do things.

3. $50.00/ month of hosting tax credit. see website or your coordinator for more information.

4. Joy of seeing someone learn and do new things for the first time and of helping someone achieve their goals.

5. Your family will learn about another country, its customs, foods, and language. It is great for children to experience first hand how similar people are and to learn by tasting the foods or seeing the pictures of foreign places.

6. Many, many thanks and possible gifts from the student and the parents. A new longterm friendship with someone in a foreign country.

7. A sense of influence on someones life, and a sense of pride when you hear how they are succeeding once they go back to their country. Knowledge that you helped enhance someones learning and development, while just living and doing your normal activities and sharing your home and life with them.

My Story of Host to Coordinator
I was so impressed with the procedures and information provided by CIEE to their host families that I inquired about becoming more involved in helping with the exchange program and my coordinator invited me to join the team as a coordinator. Our exchange student, "Mek", has been an instant joy and such a blessing to our household from the moment he called 2 and 1/2 hours before his arrival time here in North Carolina from Chicago, just to let me know he was on time and looking forward to meeting us. He was so excited that we were coming to meet him at the airport and pick him up to bring him to our home. He was not "expecting" us to come since he had been told we lived a distance from the airport and that the coordinator sometimes picks up the students at the airport and takes them to their host homes.

He was instantly engaged with our family and even played soccer with our son while waiting for dinner his first night, after flying most of day and having jet lag. Every opportunity to experience something new is eagerly embraced and he fearlessly and diligently seeks new opportunities and information at every opportune moment. He is from Thailand, therefore football there, is our soccer, which he had played there many years but he is an avid American football fan and wanted to tryout for the American football team at his school.

We made some calls and he was able to "walk on" and he made it onto the team as a Receiver. Although he only "played" approximately 15 minutes 2 or 3 plays at the very end of 2 different games, but he was so proud and excited to be part of the team. He was a great encourager and very popular on his team. He worked hard to learn and work out like all the other players, while standing on the sidelines for the entire game he was pumped and positive, diligently watching and cheer for his team mates.

It has been 4 months and we are so attached to him we have started bargining with his awesome parents in Thailand to keep him. ha ha.. We have been so impressed with his parents also, they have been warm and friendly and extremely thankful for our willingness to have their son stay with us and learn about America. They sent us awesome gifts and have called us several times, we even skyped once which was truly amazing. We will never be the same, we have been so blessed by this opportunity and are as excited and diligent about our education of Thailand, its customs, culture and language. This has been a great bonding time and a source of alot of laughter in our home, as my husband, who has a very slow southern drawl attempted to pronounce Thai words. Ah... it really is the little things and the simple things of life that make the most laughter.

We embrace this experience as the ultimate stewardship exercise and a truely faith expression. Our family is so blessed with adequate housing, and although not ideal always food supply we have never not had food to choose from, as long as we were willing to cook it. We have income enough to cover expenses and had the room to open our home to help someone. It does not get much better than that, God always equips us to be able to provide anything we are asked to give, we just have to be willing and bold enough to take that step or receive the email or phone call.

Can you open your home and hearts to one of these awesome high school students (15-18 years old) needing a home and a host to help them receive the experience and education they need to be fully equipped for what they are called to do?

Check out the website for more information, and to sign up as host family.

Email me and let me know you signed up, If you are in Franklin County, I will be your coordinator, if you are other counties in North Carolina (Triangle Area) I can team up with your coordinator to help get you ready for your awesome experience and you can talk with Mek and get some pointers of how to welcome your student. If you are outside of the triangle area of North Carolina or in another state I am still interested in teaming up with you and helping in anyway I can.

Welcome to the Proud and Bold Sharing community or CIEE Host Families, and just like a physical family, we help and support each other. Feel free to email or call me, Dot Wiggins, cell phone (919) 219-2650.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

WOW.. It has been a year since the first steps to starting this great project

Well, a year really flies but so much has happened through Bright Minds, Helping Hands, and Holy Hearts
some things are publically celebrated others are privately relished and just known they were done with all the right intentions and all the Glory went to the one that it was owed to, Christ.

We have helped 3 families.
We sponsored fundraisers for Carter Dunbar
We have "sponsored" 2 local businesses
We have collected 2 truck loads of clothes and household items
We donated paper products and cleaning supplies
We donated 12 tolietry bags

We have the yahoo group, facebook group page, this blog and our webpage.

Things are progressing and I am actively promoting and recruiting for new partners, members and for ideas for meetings and seminars.

Some upcoming projects:
Let me know which projects interest you and that you are willing in participating in.

Bulk purchasing and Vegetable co-op
Recyling plastics, cans, printer cartridges
Resource directory
Shopping guide and coupon train
"Tailgating sales
Collaborating nights
Wi-Fi sharing
Group weiner roasts at the Wiggins on Saturday Nights

Post comments below, write on the group page on facebook, send me a message on facebook or email me,

Also if you have any memorable story or experience from the events of this year and want to share with us, post a comment here or on the facebook group page.

Thank you for making this 2008-2009 service year a fun, helpful and BRIGHT year. Can't wait to see what we can do in the upcoming months.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Register for the First Meeting of Bright Minds, Helping Hands and Hearts

I have a informational meeting coming together that will be a chance to meet, exchange business cards and information, here from some special speakers, (Bank Rep talking about accounting and financial businesses/craft endeavors, I am going to share some “marketing ideas and organization solutions, and I have a few invites pending). The meeting is being planned for Friday August 7th or August 14th at 7:00 p.m. at The Well Coffee House and Restaurant on Main Street in Wake Forest. To reserve your spot email me there will be a collection taken at the door for $5.00 per person/family/business. A beverage or food purchase can be made when you come in, just tell them you are with Bright Minds.

Here are a few of the links to the bright Minds webpage and the yahoo group. ;

I also wanted to share a cool resource I was referred to help me promote my business. Naymz Exchange Network you create your profile, list your information and connect with other business people all over the world. You can connect your resume and other business documents, media clips, websites, blogs ect.

My profile is

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mark Your Calendars! Fundraiser Flea Market/Opportunity to join us and make $

Fundraiser Flea Market Booth for Carter Dunbar
Saturday July 11 8 am - 1 pm (setup 7:45- 8:00 am)
The Well Restraunt and Coffee House, Main Street Wake Forest, NC 27587

Register to join us and sell or market your items or services for $5.00 fee and a donation of your choice to Carter's Fund. Call or email Dot Wiggins, (919) 761-8069 Or Jennifer Friedley, (919) 219-4997;

Donate your items for us to sell and benefit the Fund for Carter. Bring your priced, gently used items, crafts, baked goods or bottled waters to the Well parking lot 7:45 am on Saturday July 11 or place them in the cargo area of the truck with the sign "Donations for Carter Dunbar"

Spread the word and come out a see us!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thank you for coming out and supporting the Dunbars

for coming out to Chick-fil-A in Wake Forest and supporting the Dunbar's. We had an awesome turn out!!! There was about 4-5 deep X 4-5 lines for 2 hours straight. White and blue slips of paper were being proudly waved. The Chick-Fil-A prize wheel was in constant spin at $1.00 a turn. And, most touching complete strangers were making donations after seeing our poster explaining Carter's condition.

Tonight was an awesome example of Love, Friendship and Community coming together to share life experiences. Many were asking about future plans to help the family, at this time we have not scheduled anything but are looking at something the end of August. Please continue to pray for the family and for wisdom for the doctors, and comfort for Carter.

There is a donation account setup at BB & T (these donations are not tax deductible and no 1099 forms or other documentation of your donation is provided by BB & T nor are they responsible for any paperwork they are managing the account only)

For Carter Dunbar
Attn: Candice Whitman
1821 S. Main Street
Wake Forest, NC 27587

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Flyer for Fundraiser for Carter Dunbar

We have received the flyers for the fundraiser and need help distributing them. These flyers need to be presented when the orders are placed that night for us to receive credit. If you would like to help email and hand out flyers please email me at There are 4 flyers per page, so if everyone prints out 5 sheets and pass them out we will have a great showing that night.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fundraiser to Help Local Family

Wednesday June 10th 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Chick-Fil-a Fundraiser to benefit Carter Dunbar, young child coping with a Serious Chronic Illness. At the Wake Forest Chick-Fila-- bring flyer and present it when you place your order. Also the Chick-Fil-A wheel will be there $1.00 a spin for coupons and prizes. Please come out purchase a good meal and support our friend.

Carter is blessed with a loving family, who are very active in Boy Scouts and 4H, various sports, are active in Church and other civic activities.

His favorite foods: CHICK-FILA, canned peaches, oatmeal pies, string cheese.

Bright Minds, Helping Hands and Holy Hearts is coordinating this fundraiser with CHICK-FIL-A to help provide relief to the family.


Saturday, March 21, 2009

It is time for a Spring Fling, calling all Bright Minds

Spring is here, time to renew and bloom!
What better way to do that then a service project?
Spring Fling! of Love
Need people to Fling their talents and expertise into helping with this fair. (Musicians, crafters, bakers, entertainers, helpers, everyone can help!)
We want to have a "fair" with
Bake Sale
Hot dogs and drinks
A good old fashion community event with everyone invited and everyone working to bless someone.
Collecting New or Gently used toys, games.
Bubbles, silly string, Play dough, Silly puddy, bouncey balls, paddle ball games and other small toys and activities (neat and quiet!!).
Gift cards to walmart in any amount
gift certificates to Mr. Mike's or Edward McKay's
gift cards to local restraunts
Items can be dropped off or email me for a pick up on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
If you can help, please comment here! or email me with your talent, donation, name and phone number. As soon as I get a team formed I will send out an email and we can have "Virtual meetings online. If you facebook please let me know, and look for me (Dorothy Wiggins) and send me a friend request.
Let's Have a blast and Spring into love!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Helping those who can't help themselves

One of the passions and missions of this group is to Advocate, Help, Enpower and Befriend those that need and will accept our efforts as a gift and then when able will join us to "pay ahead" the kindness and bless someone else like they were blessed.

Unborn children are people that need all of these efforts and so are pregnant women. We want to extend a hand of friendship and understanding to them both. We were kicked into high gear with President Obama's Executive order on Friday that both upset us terribly and moved us to action. We are not alone, others are speaking out and trying to get these misinformed facts and personal feelings corrected and replaced with facts and programs and support. A detailed post with links to the articles so you can see them for yourself is over on my personal blog, From The Heart with Praise, Prayer and Perserverance

They say a picture is worth 1,000 words and music can speak louder that 300 people, Well this video should do 10 fold!. Check it out. Pass it on and join us in this project to education, inform, inspire and really Change things for the better.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New!!! Time to get geared up....

It is hard to believe 2008 is over, but today is January 3, 2009, so it is. 2008 got a late start on being highly productive for me personally, but it is better late then never so, I plan to get things rolling for 2009. Here is a run down of upcoming projects for you to consider supporting, please spread the word. If you have a blog please "tag" this blog or feature us to help reach others that may be interested in participating.

Collecting gently used household items, "Self-help (household management, cooking, parenting, mood control, ect.) Encouraging books, biographies that inspire (Joni Eriksen-Tada, Beth Moore, ect), Devotional books, (Purposeful, useful, inspiring). Call for pickup in Youngsville/Wake Forest/Louisburg or to meet somewhere for other places {Dot Wiggins- 761-8069}

Starting the "Closet of Hope"
Need donations of household items, paper products (toilet paper, paper towels, paper plates and cups), $10. and $25.00 gift cards, Toiletry items.

Needing "Hostess/Coordinator of teams of comforters and and Encourager's" for hospitality needs that come up (deaths, illnesses, family issues, just needs in general) . If interested email me at with your name and phone number and email address and I can get you more information and add you to the list.

The last project is kind of a fun, yet need driven thing. "Fun, Popular yet Clean and Purposeful entertainment.

Looking for Christian artists first, but they need to be relevant and interesting. The music beats need to be Fast, Hard Rock and energized. There are good rock songs out there that can provoke good conversation and thinking in those that listen. Music makes suggestions but it cannot be blamed for all the attitudes and bad thinking and behavior, it just encouraged them, but we can change it with positive and encouraging messages. The group that sings "Wake Me Up Inside" Ever... is a good example. There are also some new songs out by Metallica (Sad but True and some others), Linkin Park (Broken, Breaking A Habit..). There are also several Young bands that could be encouraged to write and play music with good lyrics and possibly scriptural references that we could help promote and make popular.

Hoping to locate some of these local bands and organize or help promote concerts and CD distribution/sells.

These are the things we have so far. If you have a up and running project that you support and would like to recommend or have a suggestion for something email me or comment below.

Join in, and help recruit people to join and serve. Together we can make a difference.