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Friday, January 22, 2010

Please Help Noah's Family

This touched my heart...having been a homeschool family, and having medical bills jepardize our financial standing. The burden and logic of being debt free and taking care of our families at all cost is becoming ever evident as the "RIGHT WAY" to live.

Please read this post, visit this friend of the Estes who posted their efforts to take care of their family, provide income in this crazy economy after having their job ended because a "business decision and being helpless to stop it". Help if you can by purchasing this awesome offer they have put together to benefit others while trying to raise money.

This family is a great example of the spirit and mission of Bright Minds Helping Hands and Hearts.

Please pray for the family and spread this on your blogs and facebook links to help spread the word.

Dot Wiggins

Monday, January 18, 2010

Family Friendly and still entertaining and quality theater

Are you tired of having to threaten and bribe your family to watch the "Family Friendly" and Inspiring movies? Want to have some quality well made movies that are still "teachable" and show good character traits?

Well here is one organization that is producing these movies regularly and they need support to be able to continue. Featured Films;

Have setup a website to show case their movies, you can order online, findout about what is coming out next and see other resources they offer. Share this with your friends and family, use them for gifts.

Currently they are offering an Economy Package of three movies for $19.95 plus shipping. That is an awesome deal. Check it out. Spread the word and support them however you can. I am trying to pair people who want to see the movies but cannot afford 19.95 right now. If you can put out $5.00, send me a check or paypal the payment and I will add you to the list.

If you find good values like this please email the information and I will be happy to post something on them. These are the kinds of businesses and products I want to see continue and want to help promote.