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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hosting Makes the World seem smaller and friendlier

We are the World and we are similar in alot of ways and hosting and being an exchange student is a great way to see this. And once you see the we are all hoping and trying to make a difference you have relationship and bridges to cross the great divide.

Tis the season of International learning experiences, many students are preparing to come to the US or are here awaiting placement into homes of those willing to share and show the students what America has to offer. The students come to attend school for the school year, participate in clubs and sports, join in on youth groups and other things that teens do. They come from all over the globe, but a large number come from Germany, Russia, Thailand, South Korea, and China. Both boys and girls age 15- 18 apply to the program, submit to testing, SLEP to determine their level of understanding of the English language and they write the most passionate personal letters about themselves, their family and their desire to come to the US.

If you would like more information see the website; or contact me and we can discuss hosting in more detail and complete your application and submit your information for a background check and get the process started to match you with a student.

Dot Wiggins
Local Coordinator in North Carolina
(919) 219-2650

If you are ready to apply, go to the website select "HOST FAMILY" and click "REGISTER" completely fill out the application, making sure to fill all the blanks, for children or retired/unemployed people enter "Student/unemployed/retired in the occupation blank. and confirm all the adults for background checks and I or someone in your area will be in touch. In the blank that asks "How did you hear about the hosting opportunity" please enter Dot Wiggins blog or Facebook.

Please share your hosting experiences here and let us know where you are located, we may plan a trip to visit :). If you are planning "field trips or tours with your students and can include more please let us know too, we might be able to join you.

Happy Hosting.... Lets make the world smaller and more friendly by "Opening our homes and hearts to international students".

1 comment:

  1. Our hosting story began with an email from the Local Coordinator and prayer... and we are so glad we did and now I hope to make available the opportunity to host and meet such amazing ambassadors of foreign countries and families and create more bridges..

    see our story :


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